Many kids want to be in the police force when they grow up. The idea of crime fighting, investigations and arresting bad guys widen their imagination and make them hopeful.

A four-year old boy, Omar, has always dreamed of becoming part of the police force for a day. His wish came true and he became a deputy sheriff for a day with the help of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office and the Make A Wish Foundation.

Make A Wish Foundation of America is an Arizona non-profit organisation that grant wishes to children with terminal illnesses.

Omar is from Pakistan and was diagnozed with a rare blood disease, Beta Thalassemia, when he was only six-months-old. 

Credit: CBS

In order to keep him alive, his family flew all the way to the United States from Pakistan so that Omar can get his weekly blood transfusions.

He has to go to hospital every week for treatment.

At just four years old, Omar has been through a lot because of his blood disease. But his day was made much better when he became a deputy for the day.

Look at how happy Omar looks!

Credit: CBS

His father, Mohammad Harooni can tell that his little boy was over the moon to be a law enforcer for a day. 

Credit: CBS

He said, “He’s so happy, so excited. I can see him and can understand that he’s so happy. Whatever he wanted.”

Our little deputy’s partner for the day was Officer Chris Guerra.

Credit: CBS

Officer Chris can relate to and is empathetical of Omar’s situation. This is because he suffered from a life-threatening condition when he was a kid himself and needed a heart transplant.

“It gets better. It does, and just feed off this, because you will have more experiences like this, you just have to keep fighting,” the officer said.

Omar has certainly been through a lot especially for his age. 

Credit: CBS

We wish Omar all the best in battling his disease. And we hope he enjoyed his day of being the deputy. We thought he looked very cute and ‘authoritative’ with his shades, cap and uniform!

Credit: CBS Sacramento

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