Huskies are famous for their wolf-like looks, beautiful eyes and fluffy coats. They are one of the most intelligent and loyal canines in the world. 

But not everyone can rear them due to their constant shedding, which can be quite a handful especially when temperatures are warmer.

JoJo is a four-year-old male Siberian husky with all the described features.

Credit: Hannah Gomez

He has recently been through something which we can all relate to—a bad haircut.

JoJo lives with his owner, Hannah Gomez, in Texas.

After a heavy bout of shedding due to rising temperatures in Texas, Hannah decided to bring JoJo to a new pet groomer as he hadn’t trimmed his fur in a while.

Credit: Hannah Gomez

She told the groomer that JoJo just needed a trim.

“We said he needs to be shaved just ENOUGH so he wouldn’t shed as much anymore,” she tweeted.

Little did she know the groomer took her words literally.

“They took the shaving part literally,” she added.

Take a look at JoJo, aww! He is no longer fluffy, but he just looks just as adorable.

Credit: Hannah Gomez

The cutest part is JoJo didn’t even notice almost all his fur was trimmed off. He continued with his daily routine, curling up in Hannah’s bed.

Credit: Hannah Gomez

The next day, he was seen jumping up and down and playing with his favorite toys.

Credit: Hannah Gomez

Hannah thinks that JoJo is not aware of his new fur cut. “I think he’s completely oblivious to it!” she told The Dodo. 

But we think maybe he is just too comfortable with his new thin coat.

Hannah still loves JoJo regardless of how he looks. “He’s still the goofy odd dog that I fell in love with,” she said.

Here are more cute yet hilarious photos of JoJo not looking quite himself.

Why the long face?

Credit: Hannah Gomez

Hannah even tweeted “I CAN’T” along with this photo.

Don’t worry JoJo, your beautiful fur will grow back, but maybe right now having a thin layer coat may not be a bad idea. You still look cute!

Credit: The DoDo

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